Solo album release + singles
feat. visual artist Ewa Doroszenko
Includes an extended photographic project
Audiobulb Records, UK | 2022
We are a creative couple. In our symbiotic everyday reality, art blends with life. We operate in the era of digital dependencies. Contemporary technologies increasingly affect our lives and work, and the dynamics of their development make them more and more integrated with reality. Our situation seems to be dominated by virtual images and content – digital immersion is an inseparable element of every day we spend together. There is no longer a dichotomy between the virtual and real worlds, we exist in a new, hybrid space in which boundaries extend beyond the tangible experience. Fascinated by these phenomena, in the “Bodyfulness” project we try to capture the coexistence of physical and virtual life, talk about the intimate experience of the body online and offline, and show a subjective audiovisual study of the way modern technology and culture change our intimate relationships.
Performed by
Jacek Doroszenko: various electronics, prepared piano, field recordings, sound installation recordings, various analogue synths, bells, various strings & Ewa Doroszenko: skin and body parts, synthetic pellets
Recorded at
The Quality Studio and the artist’s studio in Warsaw, additional sounds recorded in a frame of the Artist-in-Residence at Salzamt, Linz, Austria
Mixed by Jacek Doroszenko
Mastering by David Newman
Artworks by Ewa Doroszenko
Audiobulb Records 2022
PDF Press release
Buy a digital copy on Bandcamp
Buy the CD album on Norman Records
Bodyfulness album
[01] Landscape of Algorithmic Desire
[02] Generated Pleasures
[03] Bodyfulness
[04] The Molecule of Everyday Life
[05] Night Masque
[06] Get the Perfect Mental Surface
[07] Synthetic Skin
[08] Synthetic Nap
[09] Visible Dream Space
Single No. 1 Landscape of algorithmic desire
[01] The landscape of algorithmic desire
[02] The Arrival of the hægtesse
Single No. 2 Get the perfect mental surface
[01] Get the perfect mental surface
[02] Repetitive engineering

Album on Apple Music
Singles on Spotify
The two singles heralding the Bodyfulness album by Jacek Doroszenko feat. Ewa Doroszenko
The project is also inspired by popular Internet practices: online guided meditations on the YouTube platform, ASMR session recordings, naive self-improvement tutorials, and smartphone apps for meditation and sleep. Despite technological progress, virtualization and digitalization of reality (or maybe because of it?) there is a growing interest in rituals and spiritual practices that allow to reach a state of deeper awareness or at least simulate it.
The “Bodyfulness” consists of a series of photographs and musical compositions revealing the potentials and paradoxes of digital intimacy. The work is accompanied by a video referring to popular online voice-guided meditations, whose listening is supposed to calm down, relax, or regain concentration. Both visual and sound works are based on recordings of our care and relaxation rituals, evening conversations, meetings, and close-ups, including virtual ones – full of digital blurring, distortions, and imperfections. Based on the performativity of these activities we experiment with the post-organic body to present audible carnality.
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