sound installation, prints on material, aluminum elements, electronic parts, wires, steel racks, electromagnetic coils, prepared sound inductors, sheet metal, sound tracks, 210 × 510 × 300 cm
Co-artist: Ewa Doroszenko
Photos by: Julia Pietrzak, Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warszawa, 2024
The title of the installation refers to the term ecotone, in ecology denoting a transitional zone between two or more different neighbouring ecosystems in which organisms from neighbouring biocoenoses coexist. Typical ecotones include forest edges or riparian zones. A transition zone is also called an ecological boundary, buffer zone, border, edge or biotic transition. The progressive territorial expansion of humans has led to the creation of anthropogenic boundaries and the successive displacement of many transition zones. In this poetic installation, a simple percussion rudiment, performed by electromagnetic coils, reverberates with a distorted pulsating echo and resounds as a transmission emitted by the tin ‘speakers’, at the same time acting as a barrier to the emission.
Sound material selected fragments
Fragment No. 1
The installation resonating in the gallery space, during the “Impossible Horizon” exhibition / Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warszawa, 2024
Fragment No. 2
Electromagnetic coils with sticks striking a steel plate, recorded in the artist’s studio, and a sound gallery space