Interactive live application | various dimensions | 2008
Aesthetic Interface for Memory is based on the assumption that the viewer will reflect on two aspects of perception: communion with the unknown and the vector of memory that is trying to handle the process of reality reconstruction. With the use of author-designed software, the artist creates a graphic mix live, which completes the work. The application includes audio recordings assigned to particular objects and a music layer, created especially for the project. The drawing project refers to the fact that memory reconstructs reality in many different manners. The animation structure is based on a simplified pattern. The final multimedia shape of the work was created with five basic imaging techniques: bringing the object to the foreground (analogous to memory planting up ideas or forwarding), illumination (enlightenment, inspiration), uncovering with a mask (the way memorized facts conjure up associations), signs (the section of a memory controlling language) and swapping (deduction).