The same horizon
Full HD video | 02:05 | stereo | color | 2014
Created with Ewa Doroszenko
The project has been produced in a framework of the Artist-in-Residence program at Fundació AAVC Hangar in Barcelona, Spain, in 2014.
Throughout history, there were lots of concepts of movement, from body language through various kinds of dance to floating above the ground like levitation. But, in fact, the movement itself is a simple feature and the basic purpose of it is to get from one point to another. All the other concepts are just cultural and intellectual associations. Building on this simple principle, all we can do is treat the body as the driving force for a simple starting point. The body can move it and thereby the point can be displaced to the other locations. In this case, the point is a unique conveyor – it carries sound.
The video is based on the pitch phenomena, a perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds on a frequency-related scale. Composition is made of four frames, in which the moving figure’s head determines the pitch on the scale of each frame, from higher to lower. This aleatoric quartet reveals a specific approach, where some primary elements of a composed work’s realization are left to the determination of its performer.