4K transferred to full HD video | 07:45 | stereo | color | 2016
The video has been produced in a framework of the Artist-in-Residence program at Kunstnarhuset Messen in Ålvik, Norway.
The video consists of scenes of the majestic Norwegian landscape, in which the moving figure delivers luminous markers and determines the pitch on the scale of each frame, from higher to lower. Each marker causes a different pitch of the sound. These consonances reveal a specific approach in which the nature and articulation of certain basic elements of a composed work are left to the performer himself. In the lower part of the frame, there are screen records, captured in Max/MSP, a creative software environment. Virtual instruments are constantly generating music notated in the landscapes above.
The project has been presented during exhibitions listed below:
- Residents, Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw Gallery Weekend (PL), 2017
- CoCArt Festival, video screening, Centre of Contemporary Art, Toruń (PL), 2017
- The Drawers vol. 2, Kasia Michalski Gallery, Warsaw (PL), 2016
- Exercises of listening, Fait Gallery, Brno (CZ), 2016