Polifoniczny krajobraz | Polyphonic Landscape. Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko – exhibition at BWA Olsztyn, 2024
Just as Palasama notes in “Eyes of the Skin” (2013), in a world dominated by sight-centered experiences, we are no longer able to experience the landscape other than through visual perception, often limited only to contact with the black mirror of a phone screen, and communing with nature is becoming increasingly challenging. Therefore, the possibility of sensory experience of the environment is an important aspect of the exhibition. Based on snippets of visited places, the post-photographic experiments of the Doroszenko duo seamlessly merge with the created soundscapes.
In works created out of a longing for a pristine landscape, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko point out how digital media have captured our perception of reality. These musings have much in common with Paul Virillo’s concept of the square horizon, which is discussed using the interposition of multiple screens, in the context of war, conflict and international relations, as a metaphor for the fragmented, pixelated experience of modern life, influenced by screen proliferation and urbanization. In an environment tired of disposability and instant gratification, the Doroszenko duo leans toward sustainable production methods, in which they often recycle and sample images and sounds already produced to create an alternative landscape. Reflecting on the contemporary relationship with the landscape, the exhibition is the artist’s response to the growing hyper-communication, hyper-production, and hyperactivity.
Natalia Barczyńska
06.09 — 04.10.2024
Galeria Sztuki BWA w Olsztynie
Piłsudskiego 38, Olsztyn
Opening event: 6 Sep 2024, 6 pm
photos: Jakub Zdanowicz, archive of the BWA Art Gallery in Olsztyn, 2024
Environmental Practice: Resin Arpeggio – exhibition at Gallery 3, DUUL University (CZ), 2024
Somewhere between the hum of parallel pipes and the inaccessible laboratories of the chemical factory, the dissonant chords of liquids and machinery reverberate endlessly. The space in which these sound patches resonate causes reverberation and interference of multiplied tones. In this dense composition, it is the space itself that performs the sounds, reflecting and playing them back again, as if it were trying to perform an arpeggio. Sometimes these arpeggios merge into a sound mass and emphasize the acoustic pressure of the chemical space. The resin produced here has the character of a sonic glue, moving as if in slow motion and filling one vessel after another. Inorganic compounds exhibit a range of binding properties, as does this sound composition, where individual phrases are connected by invisible filaments.
Artist: Jacek Doroszenko
Curator: Adéla Machová
Field Recordings: Jan Krtička
Artwork: Ewa Doroszenko
Graphic design: L. S. Grochowiecová
The field recording session was made possible by the help and willingness of SPOLCHEMIE, the Czech chemical company, namely thanks to Mrs. Lenka Pospíšilová and her colleagues.
Gallery 3
18.9. – 23.11.2024
Ústí nad Labem (CZ) House of Arts
Faculty of Art and Design
More information at duul.cz
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko. Niemożliwy horyzont / Impossible Horizon – exhibition | Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warszawa, 2024
The intermedia exhibition by duo Ewa Doroszenko and Jack Doroszenko consists of a series of photographs, unique photographic objects, a sound installation and video works, realized over the past years as part of Artist-in-Residence programs in Norway, Greece, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal. The unifying theme of all the works is the curving perception of the natural landscape and questions about the shifting boundaries between the domains of nature and technology.
Using popular computer games, travel guides and other online sources, the artists reveal the dream of relaxing in an idyllic landscape, which is very common in the digital age. They look at a variety of landscapes based not only on visual aspects of reality, but equally the artists explore the usually overlooked sound environment. In the films presented at the exhibition, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko use field recordings as the basis for polyphonic sound compositions, and introduce a performative action that allows them to use the qualities of natural landscapes as systems of musical notation. In the sound installation, they present ways of musically reading the rhythmics of the reduced sound environment through the excitation and preparation of synthetic materials. More at instytutfotografiifort.org.pl
Co-artist: Ewa Doroszenko
Curator: Krzysztof Miękus
→ Exhibition map
18.04 — 21.07.2024
Instytut Fotografii Fort
Racławicka 99, Warsaw
photos: Julia Pietrzak, Instytut Fotografii Fort, 2024
In Dialogue with Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko, interview, Fakewhale Sagl, Switzerland, 2024
Interviewee: Ewa Doroszenko & Jacek Doroszenko
Interviewer: Fakewhale, Switzerland
In this interview with Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko, we delve into the complex intertwining of their experiences from the real and virtual worlds in their art. Their works, displayed at Pragovka Gallery in Prague, explore the nuanced intersections between nature and technology through a mix of video, photography, and sound installations. In this double interview, we discuss their thoughts on how technological advancements shape their interpretation of natural landscapes and the impact of specific locations on their art.
Portraying the Land: Ewa & Jacek Doroszenko on fallacies of the visual, interview, Federica Zambeletti, KoozArch, 2024
Interviewee: Ewa Doroszenko & Jacek Doroszenko
Interviewer: Federica Zambeletti x KoozArch
Retinal saturation, image overload, dall-e creation: we are, though various terms and cultural experiences, familiar with the notion that we operate in an extreme era of mass visual communication, and victims of its attendant social and political conditioning. Polish artists Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko have been extruding example of digitally produced — and ubiquitously available — geolocational imagery, to point out its distortions and elisions; at the same time, they harness sound and the concept of soundscape ecologies to heal our relationship with the natural environment.
Impossible Horizon – exhibition | Foto Forum, Bolzano, Italy, 2023
“The smaller we come to feel ourselves compared to the mountain, the nearer we come too participating in its greatness. I do not know why this is so.” – Arne Næss, a Norwegian philosopher and creator of the “deep ecology” concept.
To better understand the causes of the current environmental crisis, the artists look at the history of the Western tradition of landscape painting, in which the concept of natural landscape was defined according to the dominant worldview – as a detached component, outside the subject. In their works, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko aim to question the separation between the issue – the observer – and the separated environment. More information at https://foto-forum.it
Foto Forum
via Weggenstein 3F, Bolzano
Opening: 21.11.2023, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 22.11. – 23.12.2023
Overlooked Horizons – exhibition | Pragovka Gallery, Prague, 2023
The audio-visual exhibition Overlooked Horizons features recent works by the Doroszenko duo exploring the relationship between the observer and the natural landscape. The works presented during the exhibition are based on the artists’ insights from numerous real and virtual journeys. Just as in the late 18th century people travelled in search of genius loci places, sights and moods that transported them to another time and allowed them to distance themselves from everyday life, today the Doroszenko duo discovers landscapes with unique qualities by taking artistic journeys online and offline.
Co artist: Ewa Doroszenko
Pragovka Gallery
Pragovka Art District, Prague
Nov 17th – Dec 14th, 2023
Opening Nov 16th 2023, 6 p.m.
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko. Acoustic Gestures / Gesty akustyczne – exhibition | BWA Bydgoszcz, 2023
Using a wide range of traditional tools and experimental digital techniques, the artists focus on the acoustic layer of reality in their work. Since 2014, as part of their international artist residencies, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko have been creating unique scores in the form of video works and graphic installations.
“Following in the footsteps of the avant-gardists, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko intuitively let themselves be led by art into its various nooks and crannies, thus experiencing new, sometimes undiscovered stimuli for themselves. (…) We are talking about attempts to integrate the arts, but also – and probably above all – to transcend the determinant of the instrument, the performance possibilities of the musical instrument in the classical sense, of which the performative actions of Charlotte Moormann or John Cage, but also the musical activities of artists such as Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luigi Nono and, in our backyard, Włodzimierz Kotoński, Krzysztof Penderecki, Andrzej Dobrowolski, Bogusław Schaeffer and Eugeniusz Rudnik with the Polish Radio Experimental Studio and the so-called “sonorism” at the forefront. And while the Doroszenko duo does not refer to these categories literally, they certainly transpose their avant-garde observations and attempts at extending boundaries to our new, contemporary reality, meaning that with the tools at their disposal, the artists explore how the currently dominant technology influences or determines our behaviour.” – Kama Wróbel
More information at https://www.galeriabwa.bydgoszcz.pl
Galeria Miejska bwa
ul. Gdańska 20
Opening 13.10.2023
13.10.2023 – 03.12.2023
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko. Unstable Oscillations – exhibition | Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Wrocław, 2023
Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko’s audiovisual project consists of video works, large-format graphic installations and a sound installation. The visual form of the works presented results directly from the sound sphere. Revealing the acoustic space of reality, the duo experiments with new technologies, relevant to the modern digital age. The graphic installations illustrate the path that sound material travels in the process of music production, especially electronic music: recording, reproduction, deconstruction, frequency cutting, working with the spectrum, compression, looping and distortion.
The accompanying exhibition, 11th International Musica Electronica Nova Festival. Organiser: The Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music
More information at https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl
NFM, pl. Wolności 1, Wrocław
The exhibition is open 13 May 2023 through 21 May 2023
Opening hours: 11 am–6 pm and during the evening concerts at the NFM if you hold a ticket to a concert. During the Night of Museums (20 May 2023), the NFM can be visited from 2.30 pm till midnight. Last admissions at 11 pm.
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko. Parallele Schwingungen – exhibition | Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf, Germany, 2023
The visual form of all the works shown in the exhibition results directly from their sonic layer. Through this chronological order of their artistic work, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko draw attention to the need to give auditory perception an appropriate place in the predominantly visual contemporary culture. In the latest video, Jacek Doroszenko works with minimalist objects that play a four-part piece like traditional instruments, reminiscent of Witold Lutosławski’s “Jeux Vénitiens”. Other works by the artist are video scores in which the movement of the filmed figure determines the character of the musical composition played. Ewa Doroszenko confronts the acoustic environment through more remote references by translating selected sound events into a synthetic visual language. With the help of abstract black-and-white structures, the artist captures the sound spreading in time and space in a static form. More information at https://instytutpolski.pl/duesseldorf
Curator: Kama Wróbel, OP ENHEIM Wrocław
Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf
Vernissage: 23.02.2023, 19 Uhr
Exhibition open from 24.02. to 28.04.2023
Wrocław Contemporary Museum
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko
Partytura nowych gestów | Metascore of new gestures
The exhibition entitled Metascore of New Gestures is a review of joint artistic experiments carried out by Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko in 2016–2022. Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents sound installations, video works and a series of graphics on paper. The duo’s creative work stems from their fascination with the relations between sound, space and visuality. In this triad, acoustic phenomena constitute the basis for artistic work, but the space that determines the entire process is equally important, providing the activities with a performative aspect. More information at https://muzeumwspolczesne.pl
Curator: Piotr Lisowski
Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław
Wrocław Contemporary Museum
23.6 – 26.9.2022
Exhibition map
Krakow Photomonth – exhibition | Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko
In their works, Ewa and Jacek examine how digital images and the latest technologies mediate perception of the natural world. Fascinated by modern information tools and their massive potential for shaping our ways of life, the artists seek to capture the atmosphere of a simultaneously physical and virtual present tense. Studying the textures of landscapes and surfaces, natural and simulated, they emphasise the role of photography in navigating today’s world.
Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko’s audiovisual project consists of video and photography works created as part of Artist-in-Residence programs in Greece, Lithuania, and Portugal. More at dom-norymberski.com
Miesiąc Fotografii Krakow Photomonth
Dom Norymberski, Skałeczna 2, Kraków
27.05 – 17.06.2022
Opening 27.05.2022
Mammoth Ulthana / Iceland, 2022
Mammoth Ulthana is a duo of avant-garde Polish musicians: Jacek Doroszenko and Rafał Kołacki. During the concert in Egilsstaðir, the musicians will present a set of new compositions, prepared especially for this performance, based on a saturated and dense electronic layer with elements of field recordings from places of worship. The full program is available here https://www.slaturhusid.is
23 April / Herðubreið, Seyðisfjörður / 8:00 p.m.
In-Sonora Madrid, 2022
Video by Jacek Doroszenko will be featured in the frame of the 12th International Sound and Interactive Art Show in Madrid ES, 2022.
Cruce Contemporáneo
& Casa Banchel
3–20 March 2022
More info at in-sonora.org
Freiraum Festival, 2021
Video by Jacek Doroszenko and Ewa Doroszenko will be exhibited within the Freiraum Festival, 19-20 November 2021.
How important is freedom in present-day Europe? Where is it at risk? How can we shore up freedom? Freiraum (Free Space) is a project by Goethe Institut in collaboration with 53 actors from 40 cities around Europe, active in culture and the arts, the research community and civil society, joining forces to answer these questions.
Paradise 101, Manggha Museum, Kraków (PL)
Large-scale photographs by Wojtek Wieteska, moving images and art objects arranged in gallery space, highlight ambiguous distinctions between photography and film, as well as pose questions about the future of storytelling through images that are created digitally. All available with music and sound design by Jacek Doroszenko.
02.02.2021 – 16.05.2021
Curator: Ania Diduch
Music and sound design: Jacek Doroszenko
Manggha Museum, Kraków
Info: Manggha Museum website
Mediations Biennale Poland
The Horizon of Events is the border where our knowledge of reality ends and the sphere of phenomena explored by artists’ intuition begins.
Gabriel Mestre Arrioja
Ewa Doroszenko
Jacek Doroszenko
Jarema Drogowski
Filip Gajewski
Zhang Jianhua
Jakub Palka
Arek Piętak
Koen Vanmechelen
Tajny Projekt: Michał Urbański i Kacper Mutke
Chór Pogłosy & Tomasz Citak String Ensemble
District Hall Warsaw
Chmielna 73, Warszawa PL
Opening Reception 2nd Oct 2020, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Info: 2020.mediations.pl
Open Source Art Festival – Chaos exhibition
Jacek Doroszenko / Ewa Doroszenko
Anna Zaradny
Wojciech Bąkowski
Aleksandra Słyż / Maksymilian Posio
Bartosz Zaskórski
Krzysztof Syruć / BBSG
Ksawery Kirklewski
Łukasz Jastrubczak
Piotr Bosacki
Suka Off
Kolonia Artystów
Curator: Sylwester Gałuszka
25 September 2020
Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot PL
More at pgs.pl
Enklawa at Propaganda gallery, Warsaw
Jacek Doroszenko and Ewa Doroszenko have been invited to the Enklawa (Enclave) at the Propaganda Gallery, which opened its doors to artists who have to create art, meditate and fulfill themselves through every other form of expression. The artists are working on a new video project based on the experimental use of stage design elements – objects that act as sound triggers. The final video work will consist of two simultaneous projections remaining in an aleatoric dialogue.
August 2020
PROPAGANDA gallery, Warsaw
Info: artmirror.org

Infinite Values – new album is out
Composed, performed and produced by Jacek Doroszenko – grand and prepared piano, digital pianos, electronics, field recordings, various instruments and sound objects. Recorded at The Quality Studio, Warsaw PL. Additional recordings produced within the framework of the Artist-in-Residence programs: Kustnarhusset Messen in Ålvik NO, The Island – Resignified in Lefkada GR and Atelierhaus Salzamt in Linz AU.
2 × 10” lathe cut vinyl + CD music release | Time Released Sound | Alameda, California, USA 2020

How to travel
– exhibition in Propaganda gallery, Warsaw
Propaganda is a real untruth or a untrue reality. Through multiplied transformations of elements taken out from the real and virtual worlds, they created a tangible evidence that today’s life, consciousness and subjectivity extend far beyond our senses and travel through the areas of the medialized digital world. How to Travel is an exhibition-narrative composed of works that elude simple categorization and take a debate with the medium in which they were created. Fascinated by modern information technologies and their incredible potential to shape lifestyles, based on images from popular computer games and tourist guides, the artists explore the formal possibilities of digital blurs, distortions, and imperfections.
The preparation of the exhibition was accompanied by a reflection on the function of contemporary photography, which occupies a special place in building illusory visions of the landscape. Deriving from observations of the relationship between the contemporary traveler and the surrounding landscape, which is more often based on compulsive snapshots than on direct experience, artists question the trust in the virtually constructed images. Time changes its direction, and the place of residence gets multiplied and blurred. This is no longer a virtual reality, but real virtuality.
Propaganda gallery
Foksal 11/1, Warszawa PL
From 16th March to 19th May, 2019
Opening Reception 16th March, 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Double speaker
– exhibition in Exgirlfriend Gallery, Berlin (DE)
For their first show in Berlin, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko present “Double speaker” – an exhibition manifesting as a common ground between the artists and as a physical and extra-sensory constellation. Inspired by soundscapes from different places in Europe, the exhibition invites us to explore and celebrate audio-visual experiences that are both very intimate and expansive. Exgirlfriend Gallery is transformed into the place where art directly catalyses the transition from synthetic images and digital sounds to painting or graphical music notations.
Exgirlfriend Gallery
Holsteinische Straße 18, Berlin DE
From Nov 17 2018 to Dec 8 2018
Opening Reception Nov 17th 19:00-22:00
Info: exgirlfriendberlin.com

– the new album is out now
Years ago, Walter Benjamin noticed in his Arcades Project collection that the path to modernity inevitably leads us through the world of industry, factories, machines, and iron. But is this ‘promised land’ — or, better put, the hell of automation — killing the traditional world of labor and its ancient beauty, alienating the human from nature at the same time? ‘Āmurs’ is an audio-visual project embedded in scientific and technological discoveries, as well as industrialization. In the ‘Āmurs’ project, the authors emphasize not only the existence and character of the industrial system itself but primarily the role of individual workers — those who brought the whole system into existence. The project is a part of the industrial festival TehoFest 2018 organized by the Municipal Centre of Culture in Bydgoszcz. It is comprised of three areas: a sound installation presented in the form of an exhibition, an audio-visual concert, and a music album.
Year: 2018
Publisher: MCK Bydgoszcz
Composed and performed by Jacek Doroszenko and Rafał Kołacki
Curatorial text: Dariusz Brzostek

Digital Provocateur
– exhibition in Rio de Janeiro (BR)
The artist’s videos will be featured in the frame of The Wrong New Digital Art Bienniale, a festival with a mission to create, promote and push positive forward-thinking contemporary digital art to a wider audience worldwide through a biennial event that gathers renowned artists and embraces the young international talents of today’s exciting digital art scene.
Curated by Gabriela Maciel & João Vergara
Jan 2018
Cidade das Artes
Av. das Américas 5300
Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Polyphonic body
– solo exhibition & live in Gdańsk
In the exhibition Polyphonic Body, the artist duo Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko continue their creative path, exploring the interdependence of the visual and auditory spheres. The exhibition presents a set of works consisting of videos, collages, and a sound album based on recordings made during Artist-in-Residence programs in Norway and Austria. Trained as painters, Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko blur the boundaries between media, developing concepts in the form of audiovisual realizations that stimulate interactions between elements.
Kolonia Artystów, Gdańsk PL
October 28st – November 26th, 2017

Wide Grey
– new album is coming
The first artist’s release on Eilean Records contains a suite of compositions produced during Artist-in-Residence programs in Norway and Greece. Using field recording as the basis for further musical compositions, the artist reveals the power of audible juxtaposition and the natural potential of a certain place.
Composed & performed by Jacek Doroszenko
Eilean Records 2017
Artwork: Ewa Doroszenko
Mastering: Lawrence English

Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2017
The exhibition of works by Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko in the Propaganda Gallery cellar is the effect of a certain coincidence related to an experiment carried out in this space as part of an international residency project. The exhibition is made up of works created over the course of residencies in Spain, Norway, Lithuania, and Warsaw, in the cellar of the building at ul. Foksal 11, in the months leading up to Warsaw Gallery Weekend. For Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko, a well-fitted studio isn’t a privileged place of creative work or a point-of-reference.
ul. Foksal 11/1 Warszawa

– new music album is here
The Soundreaming album by Jacek Doroszenko contains a selection of compositions from the audio-visual project with the same title. In the project, soundscapes replace photography as the dominant documentary element at the core of the artistic practice. The project has been produced through a framework of the Artist-in-Residence program at Hangar in Barcelona, Spain. Additional recordings: Quality Studio in Warsaw. Composed, performed, and produced by Jacek Doroszenko / electronics, field recordings, sampling, prepared piano, turntables, toys, random audible objects. Released via Audiobulb label, Sheffield, UK.
Label: Audiobulb, UK
Format: CD digipack, digital, streaming

9. CoCArt Music Festival
It is hard to find a Polyphonic Body and The same horizon repeated at every moment of the walk videos will be presented during the CoCArt Music Festival in the Centre of Contemporary Art in Torun, PL. The festival aims to present new trends within contemporary music with a special focus on multimedia projects, that are treated as a valuable component of creative activity.
Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun (PL)
March 30 – April 1, 2017

The Drawers vol. 2
– exhibition at Kasia Michalski Gallery, Warszawa
The Useful Remnants release and the video It is hard to find a Polyphonic Body have been presented during The Drawers vol. 2 exhibition, Kasia Michalski Gallery in Warsaw, Poland. The exhibition presents works by nine emerging Polish artists: Franciszek Buchner, Norbert Delman, Jan Domicz, Jacek Doroszenko, Wiktor Dyndo, Jacek Kołodziejski, Maciej Ratajski, Gregor Różański and Piotr Rymer.
Kasia Michalski Gallery, Warsaw PL
September 1st – September 15th, 2016

Exercises of listening
– exhibition at Fait Gallery, Brno (CZ)
In the first solo show of Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko in Brno, the sound is treated as a legitimate material of visual art, audible and visible spheres interact with each other. The sound recording technique allows to approach the transparency of the environmental sound and to present it visually in a new context.
Fait Gallery, Brno CZ
23rd March – 4th May 2016